
20 September 2019

Gulls – Jizan fish market

Whilst birding the Jizan fish Market in Summer with Phil Roberts we saw plenty of gulls waiting around for fish scraps from the nearby fish market. Occasionally a fish trader would come out and put all the fish offal in the road and the gulls would have a feast. There were plenty of White-eyed Gulls and Sooty Gulls sitting around and a couple of Baltic Gulls were also present.  We spent quite a long time trying to get good photos and they normally come out less well than anticipated. Some of my best shots are below. 
Baltic Gull
Baltic Gull
Baltic Gull
Baltic Gull
Sooty Gull
Sooty Gull
Sooty Gull
Sooty Gull
Sooty Gull
Sooty Gull
Sooty Gull
Sooty Gull
Sooty Gull
Sooty Gull
White-eyed Gull
White-eyed Gull
White-eyed Gull
White-eyed Gull
White-eyed Gull
White-eyed Gull
White-eyed Gull
White-eyed Gull
White-eyed Gull
White-eyed Gull