
02 July 2019

Purple Darter Mating - Jubail

Whilst birding Jubail recently I saw quite a number of Purple Darter dragonflies flying about in one particular spot. They were a dark purplish-black colour and quite small and regularly perched in the open on small shrubs. Ocassionally they would land on the sandy soil or small rocks allowing some photos to be taken which are shown below. This darter has an iridescent dark-purplish sheen which gives rise to its name the Purple Darter. It is also known as the black percher, due to the male being almost entirely black, and to the species’ habit of regularly perching on grasses and other vegetation. In contrast to the male, the female is a vibrant yellowish-green, with small black stripes across the thorax. The wings of the purple darter are very clear, although they turn slightly amber towards the base of the hind-wing. This amber patch is bigger and darker in females. Both the male and female have a greyish-brown cell, known as the pterostigma, near the tip of the wing and it has a widespread distribution, primarily occurring in Africa, outside of forested areas but can also be found on several islands in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as across the southern half of the Iberian Peninsula, and through Arabia to the Indian subcontinent.
Purple Darter

Purple Darter