
27 May 2019

Whimbrel - Jubail

Whilst birding the Jubail area in early May I can across a Whimbrel. This is not a common species in Saudi Arabia and it occurred to me there could be a very slim chance it could be a Steppe Whimbrel alboaxillaris as one has been claimed in Bahrain in recent years.The timing was not good for Steppe Whimbrel occurring in the Middle East as the prime times should be March to early April and again in July. The fact it was alone was in its favour however. The bird appeared to be very tiered and would walk away, at some distance, when approached. When it flew it did so over a very short distance so we were loathed to disturb it too much. On two occasions when it flew I was able to get a couple of photos of its underwing, and this combined to overall plumage features suggest the bird was a nominate phaeopus. We did not attempt to get closer for better photos due to the apparently tiered nature of the bird. 



