
12 April 2019

Ringed Baltic Gull – Jizan Corniche

Whilst Phil Roberts was birding the Jizan are he found and photographed a ringed Baltic Gull December 14, 2018. The Baltic Gull that also appeared to have something attached to its right leg with a wire tie. The ring was a darvic ring, black with white KX11. Phil sent the details off and received the following reply. The gull was ringed on Sennaya Luda Island (Russia, Arkhangelsk District, Solovetskiy archipelago) 64°59´44 N 35°39´44 E on August 21, 2014. KX11 plastic black ring, NS000330 metal ring + GLS logger. The attachment Phil noted was for the GLS logger but unfortunately this bird seems to have lost the logger.
Phil kindly allowed me to use his photo and details of the recovery on my website with the photo reproduced below.
Baltic Gull