
17 March 2019

Wheatears– Shedgum Escarpment

Whilst birdwatching at Shedgum Escarpment we saw a few interesting birds although the weather was not good so photos were average to poor. Winter birding at this location is always difficult with few species seen but it is an excellent place to see White-crowned Wheatear. We first went to the bottom of the Escarpment and looked around the base of the cliffs and found a up to five White-crowned Wheatears including young birds with black heads and no white caps. There were many Tawny Pipits feeding around in the newly grown plants that have popped up due to all the rain we have had recently. Other species seen included a couple of distant Desert Larks and several Desert Wheatears, Isabelline Wheatears and a single Eastern Mourning Wheatear. We then went to the top of the escarpment as Trumpeter Fiches have been seen breeding here at this time of year, many years ago, but we saw little except a Long-legged Buzzard and several House Sparrows. 
White-crowned Wheatear
White-crowned Wheatear
White-crowned Wheatear
White-crowned Wheatear
White-crowned Wheatear
White-crowned Wheatear
White-crowned Wheatear
White-crowned Wheatear
White-crowned Wheatear
White-crowned Wheatear
Eastern Mourning Wheatear
Eastern Mourning Wheatear
Desert Wheatear - female
Isabelline Wheatear