
30 August 2018

Shrikes- Ash Sharqiyah Development Company Farm

Whilst birding Ash Sharqiyah Development Company Farm, Fadhili, on 24 August it was obvious some migrants were on the move. We saw a few Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters on arrival but soon located a number of different species of shrikes. The first one was Woodchat Shrike sitting on some reed stems to the side of the road by the wetland area. We later saw at least one further bird. Then a Daurian Shrike was seen on a tree by the side of the main track and finally a Lesser Grey Shrike was noted along with at least a second bird present. This location can be fantastic for shrikes under the correct conditions, but three species in late August was a good return for our efforts.
Woodchat Shrike
Daurian Shrike
Daurian Shrike
Lesser Grey Shrike
Lesser Grey Shrike