
10 August 2018

Bottom of Raydah Escarpment in summer

I was at the bottom of the Raydah Escarpment in late June and the number of birds was significantly less than in May. There were a lot less African Grey Hornbill and Violet-backed Starlings but White-throated Bee-eaters had arrived that were not present in early May. The number of Bruce’s Green Pigeons remained high and a few Ruppell’s Weavers were building nests. A single Black-crowned Tchagra was seen at a location where I saw my only other sighting in the Kingdom. Grey-headed Kingfishers were seen and heard a number of times with one bird allowing some reasonable photos to be taken of it. 
Grey-headed Kingfisher
Grey-headed Kingfisher
Grey-headed Kingfisher
Grey-headed Kingfisher
Bruce's Green Pigeon
Bruce's Green Pigeon
Bruce's Green Pigeon
Bruce's Green Pigeon
Long-billed Pipit
Long-billed Pipit
White-throated Bee-eater
White-throated Bee-eater
White-throated Bee-eater
White-throated Bee-eater