
10 April 2018

Migrants arriving in good numbers – Jubail

Whilst birding the Jubail area in late March, it became obvious a good number of migrants had arrived. There were a good number of Tree Pipits scattered around, several late Water Pipits and a single Spotted Crake wandered out onto dome vegetation near the edge of a wet area, briefly. More than ten birds of both Daurian Shrike & Turkestan Shrike were seen and plenty of Pied Wheatears were also located. Seven Greater Spotted Eagles and ten Western Marsh Harriers were still present, but will be leaving very shortly back to their breeding grounds. Small groups of Snipe were seen occasionally but every bird we got close views of turned out to be Common Snipe. Several very bright male Black-headed Wagtail were also located indicating the start of passage for the species where many different subspecies should turn up in the next few weeks.
Black-headed Yellow Wagtail
Black-headed Yellow Wagtail
Black-headed Yellow Wagtail
Black-headed Yellow Wagtail
Common Shrike
Common Shrike

Daurian Shrike
Daurian Shrike
Turkestan Shrike
Turkestan Shrike
Spotted Crake
Spotted Crake