A look at the three accessible pivot
irrigation fields near Jebal Hamrah produced a lot of species with many birds
using the fields and others the spray equipment as resting places whilst on
migration. The majority of birds were larks with 400 Greater Short-toed Lark
and several Crested Larks in the pivot fields and two Bar-tailed Lark and ten
Desert Larks on the stony ground approaching the fields. Several Common
Chiffchaff were around as were Barn Swallows and the first Sand Martin of the
year for me. Pale Crag Martins were also over the fields in small numbers along
with a couple of Brown-necked Raven and a single unidentified eagle. Common
Kestrel was on the cliffs and a female Pallid Harrier flew over one of the
pivots. Tawny Pipit was common with up to twenty birds seen feeding in the
grassy areas.
Bar-tailed Lark |
Bar-tailed Lark |
Greater Short-toed Lark |
Greater Short-toed Lark |
Greater Short-toed Lark |
Greater Short-toed Lark |
Crested Lark |