
25 November 2017

Black-necked Grebes back for winter – Jubail

Whilst birding the Jubail area on 11 December I saw four Black-necked Grebes. A single bird was initially seen followed by two together and then a partially summer plumage bird made it four. The Black-necked Grebe is an uncommon but regular visitor to the Eastern Province from late August (normally November) through March but becomes scarce in April and May and rare in the summer. It is usually local in coastal waters but counts of over 40 have been recorded in Half Moon Bay on the Arabian Gulf. Small numbers occur inland and elsewhere in Saudi Arabia and away from the Eastern Province, birds have occurred in Riyadh, Tabuk and the Red Sea, as well as in the Jizan region. They are always great to see, but more difficult to get photographs of as they tend to stay some distance away and rarely come close.
Black-necked Grebe

Black-necked Grebe