
08 October 2017

Garganey – Jubail

Whilst birding the Jubail area recently I came across a number of Garganey Anas querquedula. The species is a common migrant to all areas of the Kingdom with often hundreds seen together. A few birds also occur in the winter months. Birds of the Riyadh Region (Stagg 1994) stated they are a spring and autumn passage migrant, generally numerous. Occasional winter visitor in variable numbers. Passes February to early May, peaking late March/early April with flocks sometimes exceeding 100. Return passage is much lighter and occurs mid-August to late October with groups seldom exceeding 20. In the Eastern Province, it is a common passage migrant, rare summer and scarce winter visitor. Generally, they occur during spring migration from mid-February to late May with peak numbers in early March. Numbers are much more common during autumn migration which occurs from late August to mid-October with a peak in September when flocks of twenty plus birds are quite frequent. Records are rare between late May and late August and only small numbers are seen in the winter months of November to early February. Birds normally occur on freshwater lakes, pools and lagoons away from the littoral although in autumn birds are sometimes seen on the shoreline and occasionally they have even been seen on the sea. Birds normally stay at some distance from the shore  as they are frightened of possible hunters but luckily for me one flew right past and landed close to the shoreline allowing some photos to be taken before it was frightened off by a passing security vehicle.







