
02 August 2017

Some good birds – Sabya Waste Water Lagoons

I visited Sabya Waste Water Lagoons three times in July 2017 and saw a lot of good birds in the area. I explored further away from the lagoons and found good areas of Acacia scrub and a well vegetated wadi and a large rubbish dump that had started to be used in place of the original dump. The rubbish dump had Abdim’s Storks and hundreds of Arabian Golden Sparrows as well as some Ruppell’s Weavers. The wadi area had White-throated Bee-eaters and White-browed Coucal. The pools held Purple Heron, Grey Heron, Little Grebe, Glossy Ibis, Common Moorhens, Western Cattle Egrets, Greater Painted Snipe, Spur-winged Lapwings, Common Sandpiper, Black-tailed Godwit and Black-winged Stilts. The area around the pond had White-spectacled Bulbul, Black Scrub Robin, Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark, White-browed Coucal, Crested Lark and Green Bee-eaters. This site is an excellent birding location and one I visit every time I am in the area and it always turns up good birds.
African Collared Dove
African Collared Dove 
Arabian Babbler
Arabian Babbler
Arabian Golden Sparrow
Arabian Golden Sparrow
Arabian Golden Sparrow
Arabian Golden Sparrow
Black-tailed Godwit
Black-tailed Godwit
Common Sandpiper
Common Sandpiper
Crested Lark
Crested Lark
Glossy Ibis
Glossy Ibis
Green Bee-eater
Green Bee-eater
Namaqua Dove
Namaqua Dove
Nile Valley Sunbird
Nile Valley Sunbird
Spur-winged Lapwing
Spur-winged Lapwing
Western Cattle Egret
Western Cattle Egret
White-browed Coucal
White-browed Coucal 
White-throated Bee-eater - juvenile
White-throated Bee-eater - juvenile