
07 August 2017

Large flock of Arabian Golden Sparrows – Phil’s fields

Whilst birding Phil’s fields near Sabya 7-8 July 2017 I saw a large flock of 300+ Arabian Golden Sparrows. The species only occurs in the southwest tip of the Arabian Peninsula (southwest Saudi Arabia and western Yemen), Djibouti and extreme coastal northwest Somalia. The favour arid thorn-bush savanna and nearby cultivated land. The birds I saw were in trees surrounding large pivot irrigation fields and were a mix of both males and females. The male birds are golden-yellow, except for paler yellow upper­wing-coverts with greyish inner webs, black flight-feathers with whitish edges with small white patch at base of primaries. They have black tail feathers broadly edged white and a dark brown eye. The bill is flesh-coloured to creamy grey, becoming black in breeding season. legs pale pinkish-brown. The female is mainly pale buff or sandy grey, pale lemon-buff below, with wing and tail similar to males. Juvenile is similar to female, but with faint spotting on upper parts.
Arabian Golden Sparrow

Arabian Golden Sparrow

Arabian Golden Sparrow

Arabian Golden Sparrow

Arabian Golden Sparrow

Arabian Golden Sparrow

Arabian Golden Sparrow

Arabian Golden Sparrow

Arabian Golden Sparrow

Arabian Golden Sparrow

Arabian Golden Sparrow

Arabian Golden Sparrow

Arabian Golden Sparrow

Arabian Golden Sparrow