
04 August 2017

First returning Waders – Jubail

The first returning waders are starting to pass through the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia at the moment (mid-July). They pass through on spring migration in April with the last birds seen in late April to early May and then the first retuning birds pass through in late June to early July so they do not spend long on their breeding grounds. Numbers will gradually build up into August with more species and birds seen. Species seen that have not been present in good numbers up until now included Lesser Sand Plover with the birds seen resembling C. m. pamirensis in plumage, Greater Sand Plover and Little Stint. Other good waders seen were Collared Pratincole, a very early bird, and common Sandpiper.
Greater Sand Plover
Greater Sand Plover
Greater Sand Plover
Greater Sand Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Lesser Sand Plover 
Lesser Sand Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Little Stint
Little Stint