
06 June 2017

Rose-coloured Starling on Taif to Riyadh road – Record by Saud Randhawa

Saud Randhava a local birdwatcher from Taif recorded an adult Rose-coloured Starling Pastor roseus whilst driving along the Taif to Riyadh road on 22 April approximately 500 kilometres from Riyadh. Rose-coloured Starling is a rare winter visitor to the northern deserts and the Gulf region. It has been seen in the Harrat al Harrah Reserve in May as well as in the North-west where one was seen at Yanbu wastewater oasis 18 August 2000. Birds of Thumamah 1988-1994 state it is a scarce early autumn migrant. Two juveniles in alfalfa fields 13 August 1989. Juvenile 11-14 September 1989. Two juveniles on dairy farm 20-22 August 1990. Six juveniles in alfalfa fields 19-21 August 1993. The Birds of the Riyadh Region (Stagg 1994) state is was a vagrant. 5 records only. 2 on 21 May and another on 28 May 1982 at Mansouriyah. 40 at the same location on 26 January 1990 (DM). One was at Kharj fish and turf farm, Riyadh. In the Eastern Province it is a rare migrant with less than twenty records. It has been seen from August to October with a well marked peak in the second half of August almost all being juveniles and single birds. There has only been on spring record at Abqaiq 1 May 1981. Records from the Eastern Province have been from Abqaiq, Dhahran, Dammam and Haradh. I thank Saud for allowing me to use his details and photos my website.
Rose-coloured Starling