Phil Roberts went to Jubail in May and had a
pretty good day there. He mentioned that Red-backed shrikes were out in force
and he saw a total of 22 birds. In addition he had four Lesser Grey Shrikes,
five Turkestan Shrikes and a Daurian Shrike.
Other migrants included Willow Warblers, a female Blackcap, three
Whinchat, four Common Redstart (all female), 10 Spotted Flycatchers, five
Common Whitethroat, one Upcher's Warbler, one Collared Pratincole, a solitary
Yellow Wagtail (flava), 20 European Bee-eaters and a Red-throated Pipit. Other interesting birds included a solitary
Marsh Harrier, two Eurasian Spoonbill, seven Little Bittern, one Rufous Scrub
Robin, a flock of 21 Common Greenshank and the first returning White-cheeked Terns
(approximately 10).
Whinchat |
White-eared Bulbul |
Turkestan Shrike |
Lesser Grey Shrike |
Common Whitethroat |
Common Greenshank |
Red-throated Pipit |
Spotted Flycatcher |