
14 April 2017

Chats and Shrikes – Jebal Nayyriyah

Whilst birdwatching the Jebal Nayyriyah area a few weeks ago I saw a few good species. I forgot to post these details at the time. There were a good number of Eastern Stonechats around as well a Common Chiffchaffs feeding around the edges of some of the pivot irrigation fields. Shrike numbers had just started arriving with Turkestan Shrike seen in a number of places. The main birds seen along the edges of the pivot fields were European Skylarks and Tawny Pipits with adults and first year birds seen. Some small flocks of Spanish Sparrow were seen near villages and some Desert Wheatears were seen in the open more sparsely vegetated areas.
Common Chiffchaff
Common Chiffchaff
Eastern Stonechat
Eastern Stonechat 
Eastern Stonechat
Eastern Stonechat
Turkestan Shrike
Turkestan Shrike
Tawny Pipit
Tawny Pipit
Tawny Pipit
Tawny Pipit
Spanish Sparrow
Spanish Sparrow
Desert Wheatear
Desert Wheatear