
21 March 2017

A few migrants passing through Jubail – Bird records by Phil Roberts

Phil Roberts went to Deffi Park and the Jubail area in Mid-March and mentioned there was no sign of the Black-throated Thrushes that had been around for some time although he did see five Song Thrush and a nice male samamisicus Common Redstart. The Jubail area is really flooded from the rains.  There are a few migrants coming through with good numbers of Ruff in the flooded areas.  He also heard two Savi's Warbler reeling.  Quite a few Siberian Stonechat, four Turkestan Shrike, a Northern Wheatear, loads of Barn Swallow among others.  He also saw three Greater Spotted Eagles and five Western Marsh Harriers. Phil kindly sent me some of his photos and has allowed me to use them on my website some of which are shown below.
Daurian Shrike
Daurian Shrike
Lesser Whitethroat
Lesser Whitethroat 
Greater Spotted Eagle
Greater Spotted Eagle
Eastern Stonechat
Eastern Stonechat
Northern Wheatear
Northern Wheatear