
08 February 2017

Quiet mornings birding - Jubail

Phil Roberts and I went to Jubail to see if we could find anything interesting but it ended up as a very quiet mornings birding. Easily the best bird seen was a Common Blackbird a bird that has been around since 29 December 2016 but views were brief and no photographs were obtained. The next best bird was a Steep Eagle, a common winter visitor elsewhere in the Kingdom but not common in the Eastern Province and rare in Jubail. The most obvious birds were Grey Headed Swamphens with over ten seen but otherwise the best birds were a male Citrine Wagtail, 100+ Common Shelduck, 100+ Pied Avocet, five Gretaer Spotted Eagles and one Daurian Shrike.
Grey-headed Swamphen
Grey-headed Swamphen
Daurian Shrike
Daurian Shrike