The Eurasian Skylark is an uncommon winter
visitor north of a line from Medina, Riyadh, Dhahran. Most records come from
the large pivot irrigation fields in the north of the Kingdom but occasionally
and especially on passage thy can be seen in rougher desert areas and spray
fields or similar wet plant laden areas. I have seen them many times in Dhahran
and a few times in Jubail but mostly in mid-winter. Last week in Jubail. I
found a small flock of about twelve birds feeding about in a small weedy desert
patch and managed to get a few photos of them, which is not easy as they are
always partly hidden by plants. Although birds are not uncommon they are seldom
seen as the farms are generally of limits to birdwatchers and those that can be
seen have long vegetation and birds on the ground can seldom be seen.