
09 October 2016

Waders and Herons – Jubail

Whilst in the Jubail area recently we saw plenty of species of waders and many kinds of herons. There were hundreds of Grey Herons present as well as the largest number of Little Egrets I have seen at the site, well over 200 birds. A few Little Bitterns and Squacco Herons were also present along with Indian Reef Herons and a single Western Great Egret. Waders were also seen in reasonable numbers with Dunlins, Common Redshanks, Little Stints, Common Sandpipers and Marsh Sandpiper present. Most were on the large flooded sabkha areas but some were on wet puddles or ditches.
Grey Heron
Grey Heron
Common Redshank
Common Redshank
Common Redshank
Common Redshank
Little Stint
Little Stint 
Marsh Sandpiper
Marsh Sandpiper