
23 September 2016

Migrants finally arriving – Jubail

There were plenty of migrants around in early September with a Whinchat being the first bird we saw. A few shrikes of various species were also seen including Turkestan Shrikes, two Woodchat Shrikes, two Lesser Grey Shrikes and a Red-backed Shrike. Several Marsh Warblers and an Eastern Olivaceous Warblers were new in as was a couple of Rufous-tailed Scrub Robins. Fifty plus Sand Martins and tens of Bard Swallows were flying around as were up to ten European Bee-eaters. Two Yellow Wagtails and hundreds of Squacco Herons and Little Egrets were also present, with the Little Egret numbers being the highest I have seen at the site. Waders were made up almost entirely by Common Ringed Plovers but a few Little Stints, Black-winged Stilts and Wood Sandpipers were also present.
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler
Woodchat Shrike
Woodchat Shrike
Common Ringed Plover
Common Ringed Plover
Wood Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper