
05 September 2016

Encedon acraea at bottom of Raydah Escarpment - Abha

Encedon acraea Acraea encedon is also known as the Common Acraea or White-barred Acraea. It is a butterfly of the Nymphalidae family found in tropical Africa and south-western Arabia. The wingspan is 40–50 millimetres with the female being slightly larger than the male, but otherwise similar in pattern and colour. The apex of the forewing is blackish and divided by a white bar. The rest of the surface of the wings are usually orange with black spots, however paler varieties with a greyish or yellowish base colour are also found. There are two subspecies Acraea encedon encedon which is found in Africa south of the Sahara and in Madagascar. In South Africa this species is absent from the dry western parts of the country, but common in KwaZulu-Natal coastal areas on the eastern side of the country. The second subspecies is Acraea encedon rathjensi and is the one found in Saudi Arabia as it is present in south-western Arabia.
Encedon acraea

Encedon acraea