
15 July 2016

Late Red-backed Shrike – Jubail

Whilst birding the Jubail area in late June I found a Red-backed Shrike. This is late for the species as they nearly all pass through the Eastern Province in May with the peak in the early part of the second week. This was, however, the only migrant I saw. Most other notable species seen were resident breeders with good numbers of both Indian Reed Warbler and Little Bitterns seen. Good numbers of Grey-headed Swamphens and Common Moorhens were also seen. More than ten summer plumaged Squacco Herons were still about suggesting breeding is occurring somewhere nearby. Good numbers of both White-cheeked Terns and Little Terns were seen with several Caspian Terns and a single Sandwich Tern. The Sandwich Tern is the first time I have seen the species in this area although I have seen good numbers before on Abu Ali Island. Seven Greater Flamingos were late in the season for this species, as most have departed for the breeding grounds more than a month ago. Hundreds of Kentish Plovers and tens of Little Ringed Plovers both with chicks indicate a good breeding season for both species and Black-winged Stilt also appears to have had a successful breeding season, as plenty of juveniles with accompanying adults were located.
Red-backed Shrike
Red-backed Shrike
Little Bittern - male
Little Bittern - male
Indian Reed Warbler
Indian Reed Warbler
Crested Lark - juvenile
Crested Lark - juvenile
Black-winged Stilt - adult
Black-winged Stilt - adult
Black-winged Stilt - juvenile
Black-winged Stilt - juvenile
Black-winged Stilt
Black-winged Stilt
Caspian Tern
Caspian Tern
Little Tern - adult
Little Tern - adult
Little Tern - juvenile
Little Tern - juvenile
Black-headed Gull
Common Black-headed Gull
Black-headed Gull
Common Black-headed Gull
Slender-billed Gull
Slender-billed Gull