
30 July 2016

Breeding Indian Reed Warblers in Bahrain – Record by Jehad Alammadi

Indian Reed Warbler is a common breeding resident of Bahrain and Eastern Saudi Arabia but photos of the young and nest are not easy to take. As a result the photographs below taken by Jehad Alammadi in Bahrain this year are noteworthy. Although local birders know the species breeds locally it is not mentioned as doing so in many books such as the latest Helm Warbler guide. The birds nest in tall reeds with water nearby so they can feed on the abundant insects, although I have also seen one individual eating a small fish. The Indian Reed Warbler is often treated as a subspecies of Clamorous Reed Warbler. In Saudi Arabia Clamorous Reed Warbler also occurs and breeds on the Red Sea coast.
Indian Reed Warbler

Indian Reed Warbler

Indian Reed Warbler

Indian Reed Warbler

Indian Reed Warbler

Indian Reed Warbler