
31 May 2016

Spotted Crake in Jubail – Bird records by Phil Roberts

Phil Roberts saw and photographed a Spotted Crake on a wet area in Jubail last weekend and has kindly sent me his photo and allowed me to use it on my website. It has been a good year for Spotted Crakes this spring with quite a few scattered sightings in the Eastern and Central provinces of the Kingdom. Spotted Crake is an uncommon passage migrant with a few birds overwintering in some years. It is probably an overlooked species, due to its skulking nature with birds in spring from late February to mid-May and in autumn occurring from September to December but mainly in October and November. The Birds of the Riyadh Region (Stagg 1994) says they are a spring and autumn passage migrant. Passes late February to mid May with main movement occurring in April. Return passage extends from late August to early November, peaking in October. Sightings have considerably increased with wetland expansion in the region. Up to 30 in a day have been seen in April along the Riyadh watercourse.
Spotted Crake