
27 May 2016

More bird records from KFUPM – Records by Lorna Mackenzie

The last couple of weeks at KFUPM there has been a splendid show of Red-backed Shrike, numbers probably peaked about a week ago, and there were lots, it seemed like they were everywhere. There were a good few Lesser Grey Shrike among them as well, and one beautiful male Masked Shrike that is rarely seen here. Just as the shrikes were at their most numerous Lorna started to hear and see Golden Orioles and their numbers seem to have been pretty good as well although probably not quite so many as a couple of years ago. Lorna mentioned they were tricky to see when they're feeding on the figs and they seem to have a peculiar trick of invisibility among the leaves, even the brightest males virtually disappear into them. As far as other birds go it has been pretty quiet otherwise, a few small warblers still around but most of them seem to have moved on.
Red-backed Shrike