
15 April 2016

Plenty of migrants near Tabuk – Bird records by Viv Wilson

Viv went birding to his local wetland area that is now growing significantly in size. It has started attracting good numbers of birds including plenty of migrants. Whilst there he saw a good number of water birds including both Grey Heron and Black-crowned Night Heron, the later species not so common in the Kingdom although regular in small numbers. Other water birds seen included mixed flocks of waders and terns as well as ducks with Northern Pintail being the commonest. Also a few Spur-winged Lapwings were present in the area. Both Common Kestrel and Lesser Kestrel were in the trees and flying over as well as two or three Montagu’s Harriers. Passerine migrants included Ortolan Bunting and Great Reed Warbler.
Grey Herons
Grey Herons
Black-crowned Night Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron
Wader Flock
Wader Flock
Duck flock including Northern Pintail
Duck flock including Northern Pintail
Glossy Ibis
Glossy Ibis
Spur-winged Lapwing
Spur-winged Lapwing
Lesser Kestrel
Lesser Kestrel
Lesser Kestrel
Lesser Kestrel
Montagu's Harrier
Montagu's Harrier
Montagu's Harrier
Montagu's Harrier
Ortolan Bunting
Ortolan Bunting
Great Reed Warbler
Great Reed Warbler