
19 April 2016

Male Semi-collared Flycatcher – Dhahran main camp.

A male Semi-collared Flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata was found by Chris Boland in Dhahran Main Camp on 15 April and he sent me a text message to inform me. I was birding in Jubail but was very interested in seeing the species, as it is a scare and irregular spring and autumn passage migrant to all areas of Saudi Arabia. They occur from March to Mid-April and again in September with more birds are seen in the spring than the autumn. I have only seen three Semi-collared Flycatchers in my time in Saudi Arabia and all of them had been females and Chris’s comments the bird was showing well was added incentive and as soon as I got back to Dhahran I went to look for it. The bird was not visible when I arrived but after about ten minutes I saw it on the ground in the middle of a small park. The bird was indeed very confiding and allowed close approach but it was not easy to get good photos due to its black and white colouration. After staying and photographing the bird for some time I left the bird in peace perched in a hedge and looking quite content. I thank Chris for informing me of the presence of this bird, which I would not have seen without his message.
Semi-collared Flycatcher

Semi-collared Flycatcher

Semi-collared Flycatcher

Semi-collared Flycatcher

Semi-collared Flycatcher

Semi-collared Flycatcher