Viv Wilson went out looking to see if he
could re-find the Black-winged Kite he had seen the day before but
unfortunately failed in his mission. He did, however, see and photograph a few
good birds despite the very poor weather conditions and heavy rain at times.
One good thing about the rain was that it probably caused the male Lesser
Kestrel to stay put in its tree rather than flying off allowing Viv to get an
excellent photo of it. At the wetland he
birds at Viv saw a group of Glossy Ibis and a single White-tailed Lapwing as
well as a Western Marsh Harrier but otherwise not much else. I would like to thank Viv for allowing me to use his photos on my website some of which are reproduced below.
Lesser Kestrel |
Glossy Ibis |
White-tailed Lapwing |
Western Marsh Harrier |