
18 April 2016

Birds in the desert near Tabuk – Bird records by Viv Wilson

Viv Wlson was out birding at the weekend but some rain and a cloudy day with strong wind meant not a great deal was around at either Disa or in the desert. Viv managed to find a Common Kestrel on the cliffs and took a few nice photos of it. On the cliffs in the desert he also found Tristram’s Starling a species that is resident in the region along with a late wintering Eastern Mourning Wheatear. I thank Viv for sending me the details and allowing me to use his photographs of the birds on my website some of which are reproduced below.
Common Kestrel
Common Kestrel
Common Kestrel
Common Kestrel
Eastern Mourning Wheatear
Eastern Mourning Wheatear
Eastern Mourning Wheatear
Eastern Mourning Wheatear
Tristram's Starling
Tristram's Starling