
20 April 2016

Arabian Red fox with cubs in Dhahran – Record by Vinu Mathew

Whilst in Dhahran Vinu Mathew found and photographed an Arabian Red Fox with cubs. They were on an area of fenced off land and were happily playing together. I have also been seeing quite a few Arabian Red Foxes in Dhahran Camp nearby also with cubs so presumably the animals breed in the cooler months of the winter so by full summer the young are well grown and more able to look after themselves. The species is a common animal although not see so often as they spend a lot of time hunting in the cool of the night. Sometimes when they become used to people like on Dhahran camp they can become quite confident and allow close approach. You can see clearly from Vinu's excellent photographs how large the ears are on this subspecies of Red Fox, useful for hearing but also dissipating heat from the animal. I thank Vinu for sending me the details and for allowing me permission to use his photos on my website which are shown below.
Arabian Red Fox

Arabian Red Fox

Arabian Red Fox

Arabian Red Fox

Arabian Red Fox

Arabian Red Fox