
05 February 2016

Rose-ringed Parakeet in Dhahran – Bird records by Paul Wells

Paul Wells sends me photos of the birds he sees in Dhahran and recently sent me an excellent photo of a Rose-ringed Parakeet a species that although common on Saudi Aramco camp is very difficult to Photograph. As Paul mentioned they're not easy birds to photograph because they seem to spend a lot of time in dense trees and then fly fast and low. Paul, however, knew the birds frequented the area behind his house but it still took him four days of sitting in his back yard after work to finally get a picture. I have never photographed this species in Dhahran although I have seen it hundreds of times, so Paul has done very well to get the photo and has kindly given me permission to use it on my website which is reproduced below.
Rose-ringed Parakeet