
09 January 2016

Little Bunting near Jubail – Bird records by Phil Roberts

Phil Roberts was birding near Jubail 19 December 2015 when he came across an unusual small Bunting feeding on the ground on a dirt track. He took a couple of photographs of the bird that proved it was a Little Bunting. This is an excellent record for the Kingdom with only two previous records as far as I am aware, one on the east side of the country and one on the west side, as follows:
One at the old Dammam Marsh 3 December 1976
One at Haql 18 October 2013

Phil told a few people about his record and the bird was seen later the same day in the same place by a couple of other local birders. I thank Phil for letting me know about the bird and kindly allowing me to use a couple of his photographs on my website that are shown below.