
28 January 2016

First returning Common Shelduck – Sabkhat Al Fasl

A small group of 22 Common Shelduck were seen on the flooded sabkha area of Sabkhat Al Fasl in January, the first birds recorded there this winter for me although Phil saw some a few weeks before. This species occurs here every winter in small numbers although over 300 were seen one winter. In the same area there were seven Greater Spotted Eagles with two birds feeding on a dead bird or something similar. The water levels were very high due to all the rain over the Christmas period and as a result wader numbers were very low. The only waders seen in any numbers were Black-winged Stilts and Common Ringed Plovers. Water Pipits and White Wagtails have been less common than usual this winter but I came across a large mixed flock of them at one point with more than 50 of each species. Other birds seen of interest included Grey-headed Swamphens and at least three Pied Kingfishers including two females and a male.
Greater Spotted Eagle
Greater Spotted Eagle
Greater Spotted Eagles
Greater Spotted Eagles
Black-winged Stilt
Black-winged Stilt
Common Ringed Plover
Common Ringed Plover
Water Pipit
Water Pipit
White Wagtail
White Wagtail
Pied Kingfisher - female
Pied Kingfisher - female
Pied Kingfisher - male
Pied Kingfisher - male
Grey-headed Swamphen
Grey-headed Swamphen
Daurian Shrike
Daurian Shrike
Daurian Shrike
Daurian Shrike