
20 January 2016

Booted Eagles in Jubail and near Tabuk

Viv was in Tabuk at his compound and saw a Booted Eagle fly over on 11 January 2016. Booted Eagle is a scarce species in the Kingdom and one that was considered to be entirely a passage migrant. There have been a number of winter records in recent years and its status has changed to a scarce passage migrant and winter visitor. In the Eastern Province it is a vagrant with five records of five birds but I saw a Booted Eagle at Sabkhat Al Fasl 8 January a new species for me in the Kingdom, although I had a similar record last winter but could not 100% convince myself the bird was a Booted Eagle. This time I was certain but failed to get any photographs of the bird. Hopefully these birds will stay around the same areas until spring allowing more views and photographs to be taken. I thank Viv for allowing me to use his photos of the Booted Eagle he took in Tabuk which are shown below.
Booted Eagle

Booted Eagle