
22 December 2015

European Robin still near Jubail – Bird records by Arnold Uy

Arnold Uy was in the Jubail area 12 December and saw the European Robin again in the same place as it was originally found. He kindly sent me photos of the bird and some others that he saw and has allowed me to reproduce them below. As mentioned in a previous post Phil Roberts found a second bird some distance from the original location indicating that the cold weather may have brought them into the region. I have not been able to go the area recently and will not be able to until the new-year so I hope they stay around, as this is a species I have not yet seen in Saudi Arabia. Arnold has been trying to photograph the Greater Spotted Eagles in the area with much luck but managed to finally get one although not on such a pleasant perch as it was on one of the pylons that they like using to rest. Arnold also said there are now lots of Red-spotted Bluethroats about the site and they have obviously now returned in numbers for the winter. They should stay around until March or early April before heading north to their breeding grounds.
European Robin
European Robin
Red-spotted Bluethroat
Red-spotted Bluethroat 
Greater Spotted Eagle
Greater Spotted Eagle