
09 December 2015

Crakes and rails near Tabuk – Records by Viv Wilson

Viv has been seeing some good birds in Tabuk in recent weeks and recently has seen a few crakes and rails. He had a Spotted Crake feeding out in the open in a wet area and a Water Rail at the edge of a reed bed. He also saw a few other birds associated with wet areas including a smart Citrine Wagtail, a flock of Garganey, Glossy Ibis, Western Cattle Egrets, Western Marsh Harrier and a Pied Avocet. A few raptors were also seen including Pallid Harrier, Common Kestrels and Black Kites. Some non-wetland birds seen included Desert Larks, Northern Lapwing, Common Chiffchaffs and Sand Partridge.
Spotted Crake
Water Rail
Black Kite
Citrine Wagtail
Common Chiffchaff
Desert Lark
Desert Lark
Northern Lapwing
Pallid Harrier
Pied Avocet
Sand Partridge
Western Cattle Egret