
01 December 2015

Common Kingfisher on Dhahran Golf Course Pond – Bird records by Mats Ris

Mats Ris a birdwatcher on the Saudi Aramco camp in Dhahran said he finally saw something interesting on the golf course pond. The bird was a male Common Kingfisher, a species that is not easy to see on the camp although two were in the same place last winter. Mats said there had been very little interesting lately. He also saw two Little Grebes, one Grey Heron and quite a few Pied Wagtails around the pond. Mats also mentioned there were a lot of Water Pipits on the grass areas of the new cricket field in the camp. Male Common Kingfishers are much less common than females in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, but are still not that uncommon. I thank Mats for the information and permission to use his photos on my website.