
03 December 2015

Citrine Wagtail – Sabkhat Al Fasl

When birding at Sabkhat Al Fasl 20 November 2015 with visiting birder Edward Pollard we found at least two Citrine Wagtails Motacilla citreola. This species was until the last few years a scarce winter visitor to the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, but more birds are now being seen making it an uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Birds are mainly seen from September until March with some adult birds amongst those seen in early spring. Sabkhat Al Fasl is a good place to look for this species in winter with birds seen occasionally, but not on every visit, throughout the winter months. They are normally quite secretive and appear to like shrubs near to the water, such as small Tamarisk bushes. Elsewhere in Saudi Arabia it is also a scarce winter visitor with records of summer plumage adults seen in late March but the majority of birds are first winters seen in August to October.
Citrine Wagtail

Citrine Wagtail