
06 December 2015

Birds of prey near Tabuk – Records by Viv Wilson

Viv has been taking a lot of good photos of birds of prey in recent weeks including large numbers of Steppe Eagle and Common Kestrel. There are also a lot of Black Kites about and much smaller numbers of both Steppe Buzzard and Long-legged Buzzard. Much larger numbers of all species of birds of prey pass through the northwest of the Kingdom when compared to the Eastern side, as many pass down the west side of the Red Sea and into Africa via the Bab-el-Mandeb straights or alternatively spend the winter in the Arabian Peninsula. I have to say I would love to see the numbers and species of birds of prey Viv sees each year in my part of Saudi Arabia, but alas I have t make do with a handful of each species.
Black Kite
Black Kite
Black Kite
Black Kite
Common Kestrel
Common Kestrel
Steppe Buzzard
Steppe Buzzard
Steppe Buzzard
Steppe Buzzard
Steppe Eagle
Steppe Eagle
Steppe Eagle
Steppe Eagle