
03 November 2015

Not many birds ringed due to the wind – Sabkhat Al Fasl

Ringing at Sabkhat Al Fasl was quite poor last weekend with only eighteen birds ringed, partly due to migration slowing down and winter birds not really arriving yet and partly due to the stronger than forecast wind strength. Apart from catching few birds we did not really catch anything too interesting with the most interesting birds caught being the high numbers of Great Reed Warblers. We re-trapped a few birds including Indian Reed Warbler, Great Reed Warbler and Common Kingfisher from the previous few weeks but nothing from longer ago than one month. Hopefully we will catch a few more birds the next time we go as the returning winter birds such as Bluethroats are just starting to arrive and soon they will be joined by Water Pipits and White Wagtails although these last two species are very difficult to catch as they see the nets and fly around them rather than into them.
Graceful Prinia
Graceful Prinia
Common Kingfisher
Common Kingfisher
Common Kingfisher
Common Kingfisher
Indian Reed Warbler
Indian Reed Warbler