
20 October 2015

Two Black-winged Kites near Riyadh – Bird records by Bernard Bracken

Bernard Bracken saw two Black Winged Kites at Al Hayer last weekend and understands they have been about for a week or two. He was watching one on a perch that flew off to the north and a few moments later another appeared at the east side of the fields. The short time would eliminate the possibility of it being the same one. They were first seen by a local called Fawziah AlKhamis a week or so ago. The species appears to be coming more common in Saudi Arabia with Phil and I finding the third record for the Eastern province on 4 September 2015 at Ash Shargiyah Development Company Farm (Fadhili) and another at Malaki Dam Lake 3 September 2015. Other records have come from the southwest of the Kingdom as well as the Eastern province. Having said that I think these may be the first records for the Riyadh area as well as the first time two have been seen together. Bernard kindly allowed me to use his photos on my website as well as supplying me with the information for which I am very grateful.