
05 September 2015

White-cheeked Tern families – Sablhat Al Fasl

White-cheeked Tern is a summer breeder to the Arabian Gulf where most birds nest on offshore islands. This year looks like it may have been a good breeding season for the birds as there are very large numbers at Sabkhat Al Fasl this autumn including many juveniles. Birds use the area to fish and feed their young after leaving the islands and the numbers appear to be evenly split between adults and juveniles. The tough conditions in the Arabian Gulf cause the adults to look very worn at this time of year but they have no problem catching enough food for their young and themselves and this is one of the best locations in the Kingdom for seeing the species. Although the world population is large and the species is listed as of least concern there is concern the population is declining due to unsustained egg harvesting at many of the species breeding localities.
White-cheeked Tern

White-cheeked Tern

White-cheeked Tern

White-cheeked Tern

White-cheeked Tern