
01 September 2015

Two Caspian Plovers a new Saudi Arabian species for me – Sabkhat Al Fasl

Phil and I went to Sabkhat Al Fasl on 28 August and as we were looking at the waders along the edge of the flooded sabkha we found two Caspian Plovers Charadrius asiaticus. They were very obvious because of the very rufous tones to the plumage and quite large size superficially resembling bright Greater Sand Plovers. This was a new Saudi Arabian species for me and was my second new plover species for the site in eight days after the Pacific Golden Plover of 21 August. Caspian Plover is an uncommon but regular passage migrant in the Eastern Province in small numbers during March and April and again from late July until early September. The peak passage of adults is during March and again from August when juveniles are also frequently seen. A flock of 500 was seen in late March 1982 on the northern steppes with other good numbers from the same area including 45 on the Dibdibah 14 April 1983, 30 there 4 November 1983 and 100 in the same area 28 March 1985. Most sightings occur away from the coast but they are often near inland waters. Phil has seen the species at Sabkhat Al Fasl before when he saw a breeding plumage adult 28 April 2008 and has also seen them at Dhahran Expro Wader Roost when he saw two adults 28 July 2013.
Caspian Plover

Caspian Plover

Caspian Plover

Caspian Plover

Caspian Plover