
11 September 2015

Plenty of migrants and Eurasian Hoopoes in Tabuk – Bird records by Viv Wilson

Viv Wilson a birdwatcher from Tabuk was out birding at the end of August and found and photographed plenty of good birds. Viv said he saw up to nine Eurasian Hoopoes together in his compound, the largest number he has seen together at the location. Eurasian Hoopoe appears to be migrating in good numbers on a broad front across Saudi Arabia at present and has been recorded in high numbers in many different locations. Other migrants were about in good numbers including both Black-crowned Night Herons and Glossy Ibis. Viv also saw both Red-backed and Masked Shrikes as well as Spotted Flycathers and a few more brightly coloured species such as European Roller, Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters and Yellow Wagtails. It is obvious migration is well underway across much of the Kingdom and this is a little earlier than many previous years. Hopefully it will continue for a few more weeks and allow some good birds to be found.
Eurasian Hoopoe
Eurasian Hoopoe
Eurasian Hoopoe
Eurasian Hoopoe
Eurasian Hoopoe
Eurasian Hoopoe
Black-crowned Night Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron
Glossy Ibis
Glossy Ibis
European Roller
European Roller
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater
Yellow Wagtail
Yellow Wagtail
Red-backed Shrike
Red-backed Shrike
Masked Shrike
Masked Shrike
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher