
27 September 2015

More migrants at Sabkhat Al Fasl – Bird records by Mohammed Al-Ruqaya

Mohammed Al-Ruqaya sent me a few more photos of his last trips to Sabkhat Al Fasl where he photographed a number of passage migrants. Probably the best bird was an Egyptian Nightjar a species that has been seen in high numbers at the site this year with the largest single count for the Kingdom of 15 recorded in August. Other good birds included European Roller, a species that has had a very good autumn passage this year with many more birds than normal being seen throughout the northern part of the country at least. Woodchat Shrike is another species where much larger numbers than normal have been seen this autumn again throughout most of the north of the country. Passage waders have been slowly increasing I numbers of the last few weeks and Mohammed photographed a Ruddy Turnstone, one of the least common of the waders but still seen in small numbers of ten or so on most visits during the autumn migration season. Hirundine numbers have also been increasing with mixed flocks of Sand Martins and Barn Swallows seen around the location with Mohammed amazing photo of a banking Sand Martin showing a barn Swallow in the background to emphasise the point. Squacco Heron numbers on the other hand have been decreasing since their very large numbers of late July and early August but there are still plenty of adult and juvenile birds around.
Egyptian Nightjar
Egyptian Nightjar
European Roller
European Roller
Woodchat Shrike
Woodchat Shrike
Ruddy Turnstone
Ruddy Turnstone
Sand Martin & Barn Swallow
Sand Martin & Barn Swallow
Squacco Herron
Squacco Herron