Migrants are now starting to pass through in small
numbers with a few passerines seen as well as an ever-increasing number of
waders. Migrants seen recently include Eurasian Hoopoes in reasonable numbers,
Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin, Black-headed Yellow Wagtail, Barn Swallows in small
numbers and Egyptian Nightjars. Very large numbers of Squacco Herons were seen
including many juveniles, but these are difficult to decide if they are
migrants or birds bred at the location, however, positive proof of breeding has
never been found. Other herons seen included Little Bittern, Grey Heron, Indian
Reef Heron and Little Egrets. Very few other birds were seen although a few of
the breeding warblers were showing including Caspian Reed Warbler, Indian
(Clamorous) Reed Warblers and Graceful Prinias. Large numbers of both Greater
Flamingos and Greater Cormorants were seen on the wet sabkhat areas, early
dates for both species. The newly split Grey-headed Swamphen was ever present
with a few reasonably well grown young also see showing breeding has again
taken place at the site.
Eurasian Hoopoe |
Eurasian Hoopoe |
Eurasian Hoopoe |
White-cheeked Tern |
Egyptian Nightjar |