
16 July 2015

Ringing at Al Qahma

After ringing at Either Mangroves for two days we moved further north to Al Qahma Mangroves to see if we could catch Collared Kingfisher and Mangrove White-eye sp here. We ringed for two days at this site again from before first light to around midday, using five 18 metre mist nets, when it became too windy to continue. We failed to catch the White-eye here but did catch nine Collared Kingfishers. This ringing site was very small being about 100 metres by 150 metres showing the high number of Collared Kingfishers at the location. We trapped and ringed 42 birds of six species at this location including 19 Mangrove Reed Warblers, nine Collared Kingfishers, six Ruppell’s Weavers, four Clamorous Reed Warblers, three African Collared Dove and one Striated Heron. Despite not trapping the White-eye here we did see two birds on both days showing the species occurs here in very small numbers. This was a new location for the White-eye sp and has added a further piece of information to the growing knowledge of this bird.
Mangrove Reed Warbler
Mangrove Reed Warbler
Mangrove Reed Warbler
Mangrove Reed Warbler
Mangrove Reed Warbler
Mangrove Reed Warbler
Ruppell's Weaver
Ruppell's Weaver
Ruppell's Weaver
Ruppell's Weaver
Collared Kingfisher
Collared Kingfisher