
02 June 2015

Red-backed Shrike a new Saudi Arabian ringing species – Sabkhat Al Fasl

Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio is a common passage migrant through Saudi Arabia. They are fairly common in spring, with records from mid-April and early June, peaking in late April to early May. Autumn migration is less pronounced with records from mid-August to November. Birds are seen throughout the Kingdom in good numbers with some years large numbers occurring, such as was the case in 2014, and other years much smaller numbers such as 2012. Rare stragglers have also been seen in moths outside the main period including February and March as well as July. Birds are often seen at Sabkhat Al Fasl sometimes on large numbers with more than 50 seen in a single day. Whilst ringing on 29 May we caught two Red-backed Shrikes, a new species for the ringing project with both caught in the nets set between two large reed beds. One was an adult female and the other an Adult male and although difficult to handle due to their inkling to bite, they are very beautiful birds. We have started to catch a good number of shrikes this year with many more than previous years although most have been Daurian and Turkestan Shrikes.
Red-backed Shrike

Red-backed Shrike

Red-backed Shrike